Dust Collector Repair and Maintenance
Clean Air Technology Solutions, LLC (CATS) is truly your go-to resource for everything related to industrial dust collection and filters.
If you are experiencing equipment performance issues or are in need of repair, CATS has you covered.
Our professional technicians are capable of assessing your repair needs to find a solution that will get your equipment back in operation with as little down-time as possible.
Proper maintenance and repair is critical to maintaining efficiency in your manufacturing process. Operating equipment that has not had regular filter changeouts or is in need of repair introduces unnecessary smoke/dust into the workplace and often creates a dangerous fire-hazard situation.
Give us a call if you need a repair or if you would like for us to do an analysis of your dust collectors to prevent future fire hazards. We are experienced in helping our customers get the most out of their dust collectors and we would be happy to help you now.